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Cover Letter And Resume

-To get a job interview. -To structure the interview process. -To remind the interviewer of you after you’re gone. -To serve as the basis for justifying the hiring decision to others.
The key information that should be included on your resume are contact information, previous work experience, education, your top accomplishments and relevant skills. Including keywords that have been used in the job description will help to ensure your resume is flagged up when resume scanning software is used. Resume Musts Name Address(es)* Phone numbers* Email address Education Experience
Limiting yours to 1-2 pages is probably best, however it is important that you include all of the information that you feel will be relevant to your job hunt, so it is important that you do not feel restricted. Bullet points and subheadings can help to cut down the length and makes it easier for recruiters to identify the information they are after.
You should then provide a list of all of your qualifications, hobbies and past projects that have allowed you to develop transferrable skills that make you equipped for the job. Even if you have no formal work experience, volunteer work and undertaking projects at school/uni allow you to develop skills in areas such as customer service, time management and team work that will benefit you professionally.
A cover letter is a formal letter written to your prospective employer that explains why you want this job and why you’re qualified. It’s usually one page and about three to four paragraphs. You’ll write formally and personably. You’ll show why you are the right candidate. We’ll talk about what goes in each paragraph below. Think of your cover letter as an opportunity to focus on three to four of the needs outlined by the job description and how your skill set and experience can address those needs. Your cover letter is also a place to show your enthusiasm for the position and organization by demonstrating how you uniquely understand their mission, values, and accomplishments.
-Addressing the letter to "Dear Personnel Director," "To Whom It May Concern," "Dear Sir or Madam" (or worse, "Dear Sirs") instead of a named individual. The largest employer in Central Florida tosses cover letters in the circular file if they are not addressed to him personally. "To Whom It May Concern" shows the employer that you were not concerned enough to find out the name of the person with the hiring power. -Telling the employer what the company can do for you instead of what you can do for the company. This mistake is particularly common among new college graduates and other inexperienced job-seekers. In most cases, employers are in business to make a profit. They want to know what you can do for their bottom line, not what they can do to fulfill your career dreams. -Leaving the ball in the employer's court. Too many cover letters end with a line like this: "If you are interested in my qualifications, please call me." Proactive cover letters, in which the job-seeker requests an interview and promises to follow up with a phone call, are far more effective.
Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). An advertising term, the USP is the one thing that makes you better qualified to do the job than anyone else. The USP should answer the question: "Why should I hire this person?" Want more?

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